
Our road trip today took us to Southampton to meet up with a very nice young lady called Biddy who had been serving for a great deal of her life as a missionary in Indonesia. She is about to retire however and we went to see her on behalf of OMF to catch up and see what she’s up to and what she will be doing. it was a good time, she’s a great person staying in a nice home near the university.

Following this conversation we also received the company of three gentlemen from Above Bar Church, John, Andy and Graham. we went through another one of our survey interviews and while I’m fully aware that it’s purely for data mining, I felt very impressed by this church, openly more-so than the other churches we’ve interviewed so far. their attitude and approach to mission is admirable, they forum their contributions to their mission links between 4 mission support groups, all of which looking to see how they can best support their units from home while their links are abroad in other countries. there is constant communication with their mission units and Above Bar Church and their missionaries are prayed for so often that God is like “okay, I get it, i’ll be there!”

We were also catered for in the house and it was really a good few hours well spent.

After this we went further afield to Guildford to meet Joshua, to brief him on what he will be doing at the China conference next weekend. Remember I made all of those graphics for MSI Professional Services? yes, good! well they’re going to placed as a publicity stand at the conference and Joshua is going to man it as the expert on all this MSI – which he became today when we told him about it. He’s gonna do great, he does know a lot about what he’s doing, he knows Chinese too.

Tomorrow is my day off and I shall be returning to College to see Angela, although she has to work so I’ll probably be catching up with other students too. Back on Friday, loveyofaces.
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